Hear from Mowrator Community

  • This machine is worth the wait. Cut this rc airplane landing strip at 1 inch.

    — Nickolas Green
  • I have been wanted to cut my own grass, and now it is possible thanks to the Mowrator inventors.

    — Rafael
  • It’s been doing a good job for me so far and I’m going to do the newest updates asap. Hope everyone is enjoying mowing with their beast as well!

    — JT Slat
  • Father in law visiting got to take the mower for a spin visiting out our way. We're on 10 acres and have been pretty happy with the battery performance.

    — Andrew Nave
  • Cutting along this roadway is now possible without hours of string trimming.

    — Brandon Herring
  • It's Arrived and it's bloody huge \o/ #SoSoHappy

    —Simon Goldberger

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