5 Types of Lawn Grass in Australia & How to Mow Them

5 Types of Lawn Grass in Australia & How to Mow Them

Buffalo, Zoysia, Couch, Kikuyu, and Fescue are Australia's 5 most common lawn grass types. No matter where you live in Australia, one of these grasses is likely growing on your lawn. Knowing the differences between these types of grass will help sculpt your dream landscape right at home.

Our team at Mowrator have written this guide to help you understand the differences between common grass varieties in Australia, the best lawn grass for each major Aussie city, and how to mow different grass effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Australian lawns predominantly feature five grass types — Buffalo, Zoysia, Couch, Kikuyu, and Fescue — each with unique benefits and maintenance needs.
  • Selecting the right grass variety based on regional climate and soil conditions is crucial for achieving a resilient and attractive lawn.
  • Following tailored mowing guidelines, including proper cutting heights and seasonal adjustments, is key to maintaining optimal lawn health.

What are the Most Common Types of Australian Grass?

5 Types of Lawn Grass in Australia & How to Mow Them

How to Mow the 5 Types of Lawn Grass in Australia

The 5 most common types of Australian lawn grasses are Buffalo, Zoysia, Couch, Kikuyu, and Fescue. We've created this table to help you understand these common grass types, whether they're warm- or cool-season grasses, their grass varieties, and their maintenance level.

Type of Grass Warm- or Cool-season? Variants Maintenance Level
Buffalo Warm-season Prestige, Sapphire, Palmetto, Sir Walter Low
Zoysia Warm-season Empire, Nara Minimal
Couch Warm-season Wintergreen High
Kikuyu Warm-season Eureka, Kenda High
Fescue Cool-season Tall, Red, Chewings Low

Buffalo Grass

Buffalo is a warm-season grass with broad leaves, primarily used for turfs. It's a popular choice in Australia, especially in public spaces, because of its excellent ability to resist weeds, according to a 2017 report by the Australian Department of Health.

What are the Key Features of Buffalo Grass?

The key features of Buffalo grass are its heat resistance, its ability to suppress weeds, and its broad leaf shape. They're a popular choice in many regions of Australia, including coastal towns where the water and air have a high salt (salinity) level. Here are the features that set Buffalo apart from the other grass lawn types:

  • Drought tolerant
  • Salt tolerant
  • Shade tolerant
  • Minimises weed invasion
  • Tolerance of wear-and-tear

Zoysia Grass

Zoysia is a warm-season grass originally from Southeast Asia that grows slowly. Its durability and slow growth are ideal for lawns that can't receive regular attention because of your busy schedule or frequent travel. It's also an excellent choice for families because of how soft the grass is underfoot.

What are the Key Features of Zoysia Grass?

The key features of Zoysia grass include its minimal maintenance, slow growth, and love of humid climates. While the different turf varieties of Zoysia grass, like Empire, Nara, and Platinum, have slightly different preferences, they all share the following key features:

Couch Grass

Couch grass (also called Bermuda grass) is a warm-season grass that many Australians love because of its adaptability. It has a rich, bright or dark green colour and fine leaf blades, creating a lush and appealing lawn. Couch grass, like the other common grass types in Australia, is drought- and foot-traffic-resistant, which helps it thrive in the hot Aussie climate.

What are the Key Features of Couch Grass?

The key features of Couch grass (or Bermuda grass) are that it thrives in sunlight and is highly drought-resistant. It's a staple type of grass for turf worldwide, including Australia. Other features of Couch grass include:

  • Drought tolerant
  • Adaptable to multiple climates
  • High recovery when mowed
  • High maintenance

Kikuyu Grass

Kikuyu grass is a warm-season grass that grows rapidly and can thrive in various Australian climates. While originally from East Africa, Kikuyu grass has been naturalised in Australia's many coastal and inland regions. This thick grass spreads extremely aggressively, making it especially useful to prevent soil erosion.

What are the Key Features of Kikuyu Grass?

The key features of Kikuyu grass are its ability to spread rapidly, affordability, and shade intolerance. Here are a few more features of this African grass:

  • Wear tolerance
  • Weed resistance
  • Economical for turf
  • Shade intolerant
  • Requires specific soil preferences

Fescue Grass

Fescue is the rare cool-season grass in Australia's hot climate, making it an ideal choice for cooler parts of the country like Victoria and Tasmania. You can use Fescue grass as a flexible, cold-resistant grass for lawns that won't receive regular mowing every week.

What are the Key Features of Fescue Grass?

The key feature of Fescue grass is its ability to grow in cool temperatures, unlike many warm-season grasses in Australia. Other key features include:

  • Resistant to frost
  • Low maintenance
  • Heat tolerant for a cool-season grass
  • Able to grow in low-fertility soil

What is the Best Lawn Grass for Each Australian City?

The type of grass for lawns in Australian cities are low-maintenance, warm-season grasses that can thrive in the country's sweltering climate. While the best grass for each city depends on where you live in Australia, Kikuyu and Buffalo grass are the most common lawn turf types.

What is the Best Grass Type for Perth?

The best common grass types for Perth lawns are Palmetto Buffalo, Sir Walter Buffalo, Couch, Empire Zoysia, and Village Green Kikuyu. Perth has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers, low humidity, and defined seasons. As frosts are rare, choosing a warm-season grass like Buffalo, Couch, Zoysia, and Kikuyu is the ideal choice.

What is the Best Grass Type for Sydney?

The best grass lawns for Sydney include Sapphire Buffalo, Couch, Empire Kikuyu, and Empire Zoysia. A grass blend of warm- and cool-season grasses will also mix well and take advantage of Sydney's temperate climate.

What is the Best Grass Type for Melbourne?

Buffalo, Kikuyu, and Couch grass create the best lawn type for a Melbourne climate. Warm-season, drought-resistant, and high-traffic grasses work best for Melbourne lawns because of their varying but generally warm climates. Avoid using Zoysia grass for Melbourne lawns, as they need consistently warm temperatures to thrive.

What is the Best Grass Type for Adelaide?

Tall Fescue, Sapphire Buffalo, and Eureka Kikuyu offer the best grass for Adelaid's backyard lawns. These grass species can handle Adelaide's hot summers and frosty winters, while most grass for your lawn will struggle in one or the other.

What is the Best Grass Type for Brisbane?

The best types of lawn grass for Brisbane are Sir Walter Buffalo, Nara Zoysia, Couch, and Kikuyu. Brisbane's warm climate means you need drought-resistant, low-maintenance, and shade-tolerant grasses to handle the city's hot summers.

How to Mow Different Types of Australian Grass

You must adjust your mowing blade to the right cutting height and cut during the right time of year to mow different types of Australian grasses. We've included the mowing height for turfgrass types below and a few additional tips for mowing.

Grass Type Recommended Cutting Height Tips for Mowing
Buffalo 30 mm — 50 mm
  • Thrives at 40 mm
  • Avoid cutting too short
  • Use a rotary mower
Zoysia 20 mm — 30 mm
  • Maintain 25 mm
  • Keep mower blades sharp
  • Reel mowers work well
Couch 20 mm — 40 mm
  • Avoid cutting more than 1/3 of the grass height
  • Aim for 30 mm
  • Mow weekly (Oct-Apr)
  • Raise height in hot weather
Kikuyu 20 mm — 40 mm
  • Occasional higher mowing (40 mm) is beneficial
  • Regular mowing is essential
  • Use a self-propelled mower
  • Mow weekly (Oct-Apr)
Fescue 40 mm — 60 mm
  • Keep longer (around 50 mm)
  • Avoid cutting too short

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5 Types of Lawn Grass in Australia FAQs

What is the best low-maintenance grass in Australia?

Buffalo or Zoysia grass are the best choices for homeowners seeking low-maintenance, visually appealing lawns in Australia. Buffalo grass boasts excellent drought tolerance and the capacity to handle heavy foot traffic. In contrast, Zoysia grass is highly adaptable to various climates, and its unique growth patterns suppress weeds, reducing the need for herbicide.

What is Bermuda grass called in Australia?

Bermuda grass is commonly known as couch grass in Australia. Instead of referring to the region of Bermuda, couch grass may have gotten its name because it spreads horizontally without growing too tall. This rapid spreading makes it a popular choice for lawns and sports fields due to its hardiness and ability to thrive in the Australian climate.

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