Should You Water Your Lawn After Mowing?

Should You Water Your Lawn After Mowing?

You don't need to water your lawn after you mow unless your grass is brown or wilting. While there are many scenarios where lawn watering after mowing is essential, overwatering can lead to an increased chance of disease and shallow root systems. Australian and international research has found that 62% of homeowners did not know the correct weekly water requirement for their lawns.

If you want to know when is the best time to water grass after mowing, how often you should be watering your lawn, and the best ways to take care of your lawn after mowing — you've come to the right place. Our diligent team at Mowrator have done the research to provide you with the answers to all these questions and more.

Key Takeaways

  • Watering your lawn after mowing can help rehydrate, cool, and support nutrient absorption, but may risk fungal diseases and shallow root systems if overdone.
  • The best time to water is early morning to minimise evaporation and fungal risks, ensuring healthy grass recovery.
  • Different grass types require specific watering schedules, with warm-season grasses needing less frequent watering than cool-season grasses.

Can You Water the Lawn After Mowing?

Can You Water the Lawn After Mowing

Is It Advisable to Water the Lawn After Mowring

Yes, you can immediately water after mowing your lawn. Watering your lawn after mowing offers many benefits to your grass, including rehydration, improved nutrient absorption, and blade recovery, according to Kansas State University.

What are the Advantages of Watering After You Mow?

The advantages of watering your lawn after mowing include proper rehydration, cooling your blades and soil, and improving your lawn's nutrient absorption. Let's explore those advantages more in-depth.

Benefit Explanation
Rehydration When you mow your lawn, the tips of the grass blades are removed, which can stress your lawn. Watering your yard can provide immediate relief and help your grass recover quicker and healthier.
Cooling During hot Australian summers, watering your lawn after you mow can help cool down your grass. High temperatures (above 32℃) can slow growth rates, thin your lawn, and increase bare patches.
Soil Moisture Soil moisture is an important factor for plant growth. Sandy soil can't hold much water and will evaporate quickly. If you water your lawn after mowing, it can improve soil moisture.
Improved Nutrient Absorption Watering after mowing allows water to carry essential nutrients deeper into the soil, where they can be absorbed by the roots. This supports healthier grass growth and improves lawn quality over time.
Blade Recovery Cutting grass leaves wounds on the grass blades. Watering aids in quicker recovery by hydrating these cut tips, making the grass stronger and more resistant to damage from pests or diseases.

What are the Disadvantages of Watering After You Mow?

The disadvantages of watering after you mow can lead to increased fungal diseases, overwatering, and a shallow root system for your blades. When asking the question, “Should you water grass after mowing?” these things may help you decide if you should avoid watering.

Benefit Explanation
Risk of Fungal Diseases If you water your lawn in the evening after you mow, your grass can remain damp overnight. This can create fungal diseases that thrive in humid environments, including brown patches and dollar spots.
Shallow Root System When watering and mowing often, your grass blades can develop shallow root systems. By watering immediately after mowing your grass, your grassroots won't dig deeper into the ground. This makes your lawn less drought-resistant and more prone to dry, brown patches.
Overwatering A healthy lawn is a watered lawn, up to a certain point. Overwatering can lead to root rot, nutrient leaching, and water waste. Not only can placing water restrictions on your lawn create a richer lawn, but it can also reduce water use and lower your bill.

How Often Should You Water Your Lawn?

You should water your lawn between 1 to 3 times a week, or around 25 mm of water per week, according to Townsville Queensland. This also includes rainfall, which you can easily forget if it rained earlier in the week. If there is any more rain than this, your lawn may be at risk of overwatering.

Does the Type of Grass Affect How Often You Should Water Your Lawn?

Yes, the grass type affects how often you should water your lawn — especially in Australia. Warm and cool-season grasses have watering requirements, which we'll explain further below.

Type of Grass How Much Water Does It Need? During Summer
Warm-season Grasses 20 to 25 millimetres of water Water once or twice a week
Cool-season Grasses 24 to 30 millimetres of water Water two to three times a day

In general, warm-season grasses like Couch and Kikuyu are ideal for regions that experience long dry periods throughout the year (up to 60 days). Cool-season grasses like Ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass don't thrive in Australia's hot and dry climate.

What are the Best Ways to Take Care of My Lawn After Mowing?

The best way to take care of your lawn after you mow it includes removing the grass clippings, watering, weed control, aeration, and fertilisation. Some of the best lawn care practices take place right after you mow, so keep these in mind after you mow the lawn.

  • Remove grass clippings
  • Watering
  • Weed control
  • Aeration
  • Fertilisation
  • Edging grass boundaries
  • Topdressing
  • Lawn mower maintenance

Whether it is grass species or water conservation, many homeowners are looking for new lawnmowers to improve their lawn care. Mowrator's S1 Remote Control Lawn Mower 4WD is equipped with four Beast™ motors that can easily tackle tall grass and slopes up to 75%. Browse our collection and revolutionise your lawn today.

FAQs on Should You Water The Lawn After Mowing?

Is rain good for freshly cut grass?

Yes, rain is beneficial for freshly cut grass as it provides essential hydration, helping the lawn recover and promoting healthy regrowth. However, excessive rain immediately after mowing can lead to issues such as soil compaction, clumping of grass clippings, and increased risk of fungal diseases due to long wet conditions.

Is it good to water grass in winter?

No, watering grass during Australian winter isn't necessary because of cooler temperatures, reduced evaporation rates, and natural rainfall sustaining most lawns. However, in arid conditions or areas with minimal rainfall, occasional deep watering (once a month) may be beneficial to prevent dehydration and maintain root health. Still, overwatering should be avoided to reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

When is the Best Time to Water the Lawn?

The best time to water your lawn is early morning, ideally between 4 AM and 10 AM. This timing allows water to soak into the soil and reach the roots before evaporation increases with rising temperatures, while also reducing the risk of fungal diseases by ensuring the grass dries out during the day.

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